Cedar Sage Gift Set
Your Price: $21.99
Product Details
Cedar Sage - Restoring Designed to be stimulating and relaxing at the same time. This essential oil blend has been used for centuries to purify, calm and restore. Experience it for yourself and see what we are talking about! 20 oz Cedar Sage Herbal Salt Scrub 32 oz Cedar Sage Bath Salts 8 oz Cedar Sage Bath, Body & Massage Oil Loofa, catalog & re-usable backpack included.
Oil will make any surface slippery. For external use only. ALL products containing oil, regardless of brand, are potentially combustible. Consult your dryer manufacturer’s guidelines for drying and storing linens that have been exposed to oils. Natural Essential Oils may cause bath water to change color. If you are pregnant or on medication, consult your doctor before use.
Please consult your doctor before using any Soothing Touch product.
Read more about the ingredients we use.
These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product or this information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.